A common misconception among members of the public is that an injury claim solicitor’s only role is to get a claimant financial compensation. This simply isn’t the case. Lawyers and solicitors in fact work with medical professionals and specialists and the NHS to ensure that a person’s ongoing care and treatment is continuous and as straightforward as possible.
The role of case managers
Take spinal cord injuries as an example. It is important with this kind of serious injury that the patient is able to gain access to the right kinds of treatment at all times along with help and advice. Depending on the severity of the injury, long-term rehabilitation and support may be required. In this instance, a case manager will be assigned to an injury claim to co-ordinate any rehabilitation, care and support required to benefit recovery.
It’s important to note that the NHS will provide you with immediate care after your accident, and they will also offer you long-term care. However, many people are not satisfied with NHS care, and wish to be treated privately. In this instance, your case manager will work to getting you the private rehabilitation, care and support needed for your recovery, and funding for this may well be available through your personal injury claim.
UK Claim Lawyers (ukclaimlawyers.co.uk), for example, will co-ordinate all of your medical needs, and your case manager will usually be funded out of the injury claim – so you won’t have to worry about paying for any rehabilitation and support. Speaking of support, another way that your injury claim solicitor can help you is by co-ordinating support workers, who are employed to give you the support you need when you leave hospital. Support workers are an essential part of the spinal cord recovery process, as they can provide personal care as well as assist with the organisation of a person’s everyday life. They can also work in unison with friends and family, to provide the patient with all of the support they will need.
So the answer to the question, “Will an injury claim solicitor help with rehabilitation and support?” is YES. An injury claim solicitor will do everything they can to help with rehabilitation and support for all injuries, big or small. For advice on your injury, you can call UK Claim Lawyers on free phone 0800 157 1438. Call them today for free, expert advice.
If you have not decided to make a claim for compensation yet but are weighing up your options, make sure that you choose an injury claim solicitor who’ll make sure that you achieve the best possible outcome following your injury with effective case management.